We Love Buena Vista & Salida

Chaffee County, Colorado

October 2018

Home Prices in BV, Nathrop, Salida

Home Prices In Chaffee County

This chart shows the median prices for single family homes in all of Chaffee County, as well as in the 3 biggest towns in the county: Buena Vista (central Chaffee County), Nathrop (adjacent to Buena Vista and just south), and Salida (southern Chaffee County). Please note:

- Overall Chaffee County (orange line) is in the middle, as you'd expect
- Buena Vista (blue line) is less expensive than overall Chaffee County
- Salida (dark green) is more expensive
- Nathrop (red line) bounces around a lot but tends to be more expensive

This data is provided by reColorado.com and was captured on 10/23/2018. Each data point represents 6 months of activity. This helps to smooth out the data and make the long-term trends more visible.

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